Ally Brooke ima novi singl pod nazivom “No Good”, a ujedno je to prvi njezin solo singl.
Pjesma je postala apsolutni hit, i dokazala je da bez benda može savršeno dobro funkcionisati. Pjesma ima simpatičan i živahan osjećaj i definitivno je pjesma uz koju ćete poželjeti plesati.
“No Good” je vrlo dopadljiva i govori o tome da neki ljudi nisu dobri za nas ali ih je previše teško napustiti.
2012. godine Brooke se prijavila na audiciju za X Factor kao solo umjetnica. Nakon što je eliminirana kao solo izvođač, bila je vraćena u konkurenciju, zajedno s još četiri djevojke, kako bi se formirao girl bend, Fifth Harmony.
Tekst pjesme:
I don't need nobody
Don't need no one that's no good for me
I'd kiss you goodbye
In the dead of the night
If I could
I'd start up the car
And ride of in the dark
No I should
But I see the fireworks
The second you call out my name
My na na name
My name
You put me through hell
But I can't quit you for heaven's sake
Make a promise that I'm leaving
But my heart only wants what it wants
In the madness
What a feeling
I'm hung up should be hanging it up
You're no good for me
I don't need nobody
Don't need no one that's no good for me
You're no good for me
I don't need nobody
Don't need no one that's no good for me
You're poison I'm ivy
Together we perfectly bad
You're venomous eyes could blink one time
And keep me attached
Make a promise that I'm leaving
But my heart only wants what it wants
In the madness
What a feeling
I'm hung up should be hanging it up
You're no good for me
I don't need nobody
Don't need no one that's no good for me
You're no good for me
I don't need nobody
Don't need no one that's no good for me
No good, no good, no good
That's no good for me
Make a promise that I'm leaving
But my heart only wants what it wants
In the madness
What a feeling
I'm hung up should be hanging it up
You're no good for me
I don't need nobody
Don't need no one that's no good for me
You're no good for me
I don't need nobody
Don't need no one that's no good for me
No good, no good, no good
That's no good for me
No good, no good, no good
That's no good for me