PIC BY CASSIE DEPECOL / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: ) - An inspiring woman hopes to become the fastest female to travel to all 196 country. Cassie DePecol, 27, is nearing the end of her epic mission to visit all 193 sovereign nations plus Taiwan, Kosovo and Palestine. The intrepid traveller from Washington, Connecticut, USA, embarked on her journey in June 2015. Having a huge heart for sustainable travelling, on her 25th birthday Cassie started to plan for the trip of a lifetime: Expedition 196. Now a Peace Ambassador for International Institute of Peace Through Tourism, part of Cassies work is meeting with university tourism students to discuss sustainable tourism. In addition, Cassie is working with Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation to collect water samples to test for the presence of micro plastics. So far she has ticked off 172 countries, taken 152 flights and has all remaining flights booked. SEE CATERS COPY Cassie De Pecol ima 27 godina, a za 18 mjeseci obišla je nevjerovatnih 196 zemalja i tako ušla u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda kao prva žena koja je obišla sve zemlje na svijetu sama i to tako brzo. S obzirom na svoje doživljaje i iskustva na putovanjima, izdvojila je 10 zemalja koje su zaista vrijedne posjete.
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