“Don't Start Now” pjesma je koju je snimila britanska pop zvijezda Dua Lipa, i objavljena je kao vodeći singl sa njenog drugog studijskog albuma, Future Nostalgia (2020).
Pjesmu su napisali Caroline Ailin, Emily Warren, koju je producirao Ian Kirkpatrick.
Ova pjesma Don't start now predstavlja njeno novo poglavlje u životu i novi zvuk.
“Htjela sam ovu pjesmu objaviti prvu kako bih zatvorila jedno i otvorila drugo poglavlje svog života”, rekla je Dua Lipa.
Ovu pjesmu radila je s briljantnim timom ljudi koji su radili i “New Rules”, hit s kojim se probila na svjetsku scenu. Debi album objavila je još 2017. godine, a 2019. godinu započela je singlom “Swan Song” za soundtrack filma “Alita: Battle Angel”. Potom je uslijedio Grammy za najbolju novu pjevačicu i najbolju dance pjesmu “Electricity” sa Silk City), a sada je stigao i drugi singl.
TEKST PJESME – “Don't Start Now”
If you don't wanna see me
Did a full one eighty
Crazy, thinking about the way I was
Did the heartbreak change me?
Maybe, but look at where I ended up
I'm all good already
So moved on it's scary
I'm not where you left me at all
So if you don't wanna see me dancing with somebody
If you wanna believe that anything could stop me
Don't show up
Don't come out
Don't start caring about me now
Walk away
You know how
Don't start caring about me now
Aren't you the guy who tried to
Hurt me with the word goodbye
Though it took some time to, survive you
I'm better on the other-side
I'm all good already
So moved on it's scary
I'm not where you left me at all
So if you don't wanna see me dancing with somebody
If you wanna believe that anything could stop me
Don't show up
Don't come out
Don't start caring about me now
Walk away
You know how
Don't start caring about me now
Don't come out
Don't show now
Don't start now
Don't come out
I'm not where you left me at all
So if you don't wanna see me dancing with somebody
If you wanna believe that anything could stop me
Don't show up (Don't show up)
Don't come out (Don't come out)
Don't start caring about me now (About me now)
Walk away (Walk away)
You know how (You know how)
Don't start caring about me now
(Don't come out, out, out)
(Don't show now, walk away, walk away)
So (Don't come out, out, out)
(Don't start now, walk away, walk away)